HomepageThe III Scientific and Practical Conference on "Interdisciplinary Issues in Allergology and Immun...

The III Scientific and Practical Conference on "Interdisciplinary Issues in Allergology and Immunology" will be held at the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The III Scientific and Practical Conference on "Interdisciplinary Issues in Allergology and Immunology" will be held at the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On February 14-15, 2025, the III Scientific and Practical Conference on "Interdisciplinary Issues in Allergology and Immunology" will be held in Astana, organized by the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan , with the support of the Kazakhstan Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and the Ministry of Healthcare.

The conference will feature symposiums where international and Kazakhstani experts will engage in discussions on the most pressing issues in allergology and immunology, as well as examine approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases in adults and children.

We invite Kazakhstani specialists, as well as experts from near and far-abroad countries, along with healthcare sector representatives, to participate in the conference.

To attend the event offline, please register via https://medq.kz/events/2722.

Please note that the number of offline participants is limited, while there are no restrictions on online participation.