In addition, in this matter, there are no trifles. It is important to take into account and including the positions in which you sleep.
A sound sleep is one of the key components of human health and psychological well-being. Except that it happens that, a person wakes up broken, even if he slept a sufficient number of hours. This is often due to the wrong choice of posture for a night's rest. Neck pain, “shooting” in the lower back, a constant feeling of fatigue - no productive mood for the new day is out of the question. Dmitry Simkin, an osteopathic doctor and head of an osteopathy clinic, told aif.ru which sleeping postures will help the body recover, and which ones are best avoided.
Worst sleeping positions
One of the worst options is sleeping on your stomach. The head in this position literally “turns out” to the side; the neck is twisted, and most importantly, in this position can occur compression of the vessels of the neck. This is fraught with deterioration of blood circulation and attacks of headache in the morning.
A more preferable option is to sleep on your back. In this case, the head should not go strongly forward and/or tilted, and at the base of the neck - to form a “hump”. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the choice of pillow. For example, too high pillows are not suitable for this pose. They support the neck in the middle, not at the base. The same applies to orthopedic models with an incorrect design. The pillow should provide quality support for the cervicothoracic transition - where the most “protruding” cervical vertebra is located. For this purpose, a special protrusion should be provided in the center of the pillow. Otherwise, the neck simply will not be able to properly rest and straighten, which eventually will lead to deformation of intervertebral discs, with the formation of their protrusions and the growth of “widow's hump”.
Sleeping on your side, on the other hand, does not go well with a too low pillow (or no pillow at all). In such a position, your head will hang down and your neck will be bent over - until one day, it jams.
Finally, I advise you to give up the habit of putting your hand under your head or pillow. This disturbs the natural position of the shoulder joint and can lead to its inflammation.
Best sleeping positions
In general, there are only two physiological sleeping positions. The first one is the position on the back with a low pillow or no pillow at all. In this position, it is better to put your hands on your stomach: this is the best option for the shoulder and elbow joints.
The second basic pose is on your side. The head should be at the same height as the spine: not lower, but not higher. This task is more difficult than it may seem at first glance. For example, it is not suitable for ordinary pillows, which before going to sleep should be specially given a comfortable shape - crumple, whip and so on. After all, they retain their height, at best, until the first change of position, which happens many times a night.
And the choice of orthopedic pillows should also be considered carefully. It is better to give preference to such models that provide both a higher position for sleeping on the side and a low position for sleeping on the back. Ideally, the pillow should also have a shoulder recess.
It is better to bend your legs when sleeping on your side, and place a pillow or a low roller between your knees. It is important to pay attention to the position of the arms. The lower arm should not be placed under the head or between the pillow and the mattress. If the dimensions of the sleeping place allow - it can be slightly straightened by placing the forearm on an additional pillow. If space is limited - try to put your hand on the upper shoulder. The upper arm can be placed under the pillow with the palm down, or simply rest it on the biceps of the lower arm.
Source: “Arguments and facts”