The III National Congress of Respiratory Medicine was held in Astana on December 5-7 with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organization of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Research Medical Center, the Astana Medical University and the National Society of Respiratory Medicine.
The main goal of the Congress is to collect the knowledge of leading domestic and foreign specialists on one platform, to strengthen international ties to solve urgent problems of respiratory medicine.
About 500 people took part in the event, 4 thousand watched it offline. Within the framework of the Congress, 22 symposia were organized, in which specialists from Singapore, Hungary, the UAE, China, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Russia, Poland took part, 34 reports were read. It is worth noting that the speakers of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan made 9 reports and held master classes.
During the Congress, a competition of young scientists was organized, where the best and most promising were identified.
The 2024 Congress has become a significant event for the country. Because for the first time in the history of respiratory medicine in Kazakhstan, the President of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Joanna Chorostowska-Wynimcо took part in the Congress. It means that respiratory medicine in the country is developing at a high level. On the last day of the Congress, the President visited the country’s leading institution that meets international standards, including JCI requirements - the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where she got acquainted with the work of the Respiratory Medicine Center, the Clinical and Pharmacological Department, the Department of Functional Diagnostics, the Day Hospital, and met with the management and staff of the Hospital.
Within the framework of the Congress, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Sechenov University in Moscow. It allows partners to jointly conduct scientific and clinical projects, educational programs, conferences, congresses and symposia.