HomepageHealth insurance cards

Health insurance cards

If you are health insurance card holder in case of illness you have to know insurance plan and clinic, where you can address by this policy of insurance, for that you can make a call to insurance companies 24 h service center (Call-center) (assistance) and get a consultation of coordinator. Phone number is indicated in individual plastic card.    


Specify, if it is necessary to get preliminary appointment from insurance company’s Medical Center (assistance) in order to get medical care in Medical center Hospital of PAA of the RK. About this condition, you must necessarily be informed in medical company service center (insurance company).

If insurance plan gives you possibility to get service in Medical center Hospital of PAA of the RK without preliminary appeal to insurance company (assistance), upon arriving to our medical facility you have to go to registration in order to get your individual outpatient chart done, for that you have to have identification document and plastic insurance card with you,  in order to get appointment card proceed to general physician or cardiologist.  

Appointment – is special insurance form with your service company logo (or insurance company), with indication of necessary medical procedure. 

After rendering medical care or after indicated diagnostic procedure physician will ask you to sign this form. By signing it you confirm that you have received medical care and agree with the quality of medical service.

Hospital coordinator (general physician) will direct you and in case of necessity will write prescription on medications and fill out the form for further treatment or diagnostic, according to insurance case and in the frames of insurance plan.   

Medical centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the RK has cooperation with all insurance companies and service companies (assistance) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. But consider that regulation of getting medical service and insurance plan is different to all.  

For more information, please dial.: 7 (7172) 70 80 91, 70 80 92

Wish you health and prosperity!



International insurance partners.