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Production of an innovative radiopharmaceutical for diagnostics of brain tumors established in Kazakhstan

Production of an innovative radiopharmaceutical for diagnostics of brain tumors established in Kazakhstan

The Nuclear Medicine Center of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan started production and introduced the newest radiopharmaceutical 18F-FET (fluoroethylthiozoxazole) for PET/CT studies. This innovative drug opens new opportunities in the field of neuro-oncology, allowing for more accurate detection of brain tumors and assessment of their activity.

It is worth emphasizing that 18F-FET is designed to analyze amino acid metabolism in brain tissue. Due to its high level of sensitivity and specificity, the drug helps to detect even small tumor formations that may not be visible with traditional imaging methods.

The advantages of the 18F-FET radiopharmaceutical are high diagnostic accuracy, rapid delivery to tissues, the ability to assess the biological activity of the tumor and control the dynamics of the disease.

“The introduction of 18F-FET into the clinical practice of the Nuclear Medicine Center of the Medical Center Hospital of PAA RK will be an important step in the fight against neuro-oncological diseases. Due to an individual approach to each patient and high-precision equipment, specialists will be able to significantly increase the efficiency of diagnostics of brain tumor formations, improving the quality of life of patients”, - said Aigul Saduakassova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, the head of the Nuclear Medicine Center of Medical Center Hospital of PAA RK.

Currently, the drug is actively used in the diagnosis of gliomas and other brain tumors. It helps not only to accurately determine the localization and stage of the disease, but also to monitor residual tumor tissues after surgery or radiation treatment.

It should be noted that 18F-FET (fluoroethyltyrosine) is the sixth drug to be produced at the Hospital.