Doctors of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan completed a four-day business trip to the Zhetysu region, conducted 7 operations, 18 consultations, as well as 5 presentations and 6 master classes. In particular, the chief arrhythmologist of the MC Hospital of the President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chief of the surgery department No. 5 Ayan Abdrakhmanov performed a complex operation on 5 residents of the region and conducted medical consultations to 6 residents. The professor also held a master class on the topic of “Radiofrequency ablation of complex cardiac arrhythmias” and held a presentation for specialists of the region. It was attended by 10 arrhythmologists and cardiologists. The chief allergist-immunologist of the Hospital, the chief of the Allergy Center Galiya Tussupbekova held a presentation in the Taldykorgan City Polyclinic on the topic of “Drug Allergy” and “Hypereosinophilic Syndrome” for general practitioners, therapists, allergists and pulmonologists, a total of 18 people participated. The allergist also attended and gave medical consultations to 27 patients. Chief of the Cardiac Surgery Department of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alibek Toibayev, anesthesiologist-resuscitator Gibarat Madaniyev and perfusionist Zhanibek Ashirov successfully performed unique operations “Mammary coronary bypass grafting of the anterior interventricular artery on a beating heart with mini-access” and “Aortocoronary bypass grafting of the anterior interventricular artery and right coronary artery with mini-access”.
Doctors of the cardiac surgery team demonstrated one-lung intubation, intercostal nerve block after mini-access surgeries and the technique of vascular and venous access under ultrasound control.
Chief of the Clinical and Pharmacological Department Altyn Nurpeissova gave a presentation on 3 topics at the Taldykorgan Multidisciplinary Hospital, which was attended by a total of 63 specialists, and the head of the personalized genomic diagnostics department, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gulshara Abildinova presented the work of the medical genetic consultation, conducted a lecture, as well as made a presentation for 20 doctors, namely geneticists, obstetricians-gynecologists and neonatologists. She also attended and consulted 8 pregnant women with congenital malformations in the fetus. On the third day of the event, rehabilitation physician Eduard Varushkin conducted a basic course of physical rehabilitation, kinesiotherapy of the PNF method at the multidisciplinary hospital of Taldykorgan city, in which 14 medical specialists took part. The doctor also consulted 6 patients. Anesthesiologist-resuscitator Sayat Bikibayev conducted 3 master classes on the basics of ultrasound navigation, the eFast protocol and the blue protocol, in which 15 people took part. And 15 neurologists and epileptologists took part in the lecture of epileptologist Darkhan Kimadiev on the topic of “Surgical treatment of epilepsy and pre-surgical diagnostics”. It is also worth noting that he attended 20 patients in the region.