HomepageConsultative and Diagnostic Department

Consultative and Diagnostic Department

About the Department

The Consultative and Diagnostic Department is an important part of the outpatient unit of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department is located in blocks C1, B1 and B2 on the first floor, includes a surgical profile of “narrow” specialists. Specialists of the department provide a wide range of non-invasive and invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, outpatient dynamic observation and treatment, including dispensary observation of patients from the attached population.


Preparation for hospitalization for surgical and conservative treatment at the level of daycare and inpatient, application of individual approach to rehabilitation of patients in postoperative mode. The Department consults adults in ENT, surdology, ophthalmology, urology, oncology and mammology, general surgery and traumatology, proctology, and gynecology. The offices of specialized specialists include examination and manipulation rooms with modern medical equipment. The Department can perform a wide range of specialized diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which, along with the results of instrumental and laboratory tests, allow for differential diagnosis and formulation of a refined diagnosis on an outpatient basis.

Services of the Department



  • Diagnosis of anterior and posterior segment pathology using optical coherence tomography, ultrasound methods
  • Conducting procedures (subconjunctival, parabulbar injections)
  • Small surgical interventions in ophthalmology on the outpatient stage
  • Comprehensive examination to detect signs of glaucoma, using laser scanning methods
  • Dynamic monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye
  • Emergency diagnosis and treatment of acute eye diseases and injuries

Oncology and Mammology

  • Specialized complexes of examinations for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant diseases of various localizations, and formulation of a refined clinical diagnosis with individual development of further treatment and rehabilitation plan for patients
  • Qualified dynamic monitoring and treatment of patients in the dispensary group
  • Minor operations on an outpatient basis (removal of atheroma, lipoma, fibroma, excision of tumors with subsequent histological analysis)
  • Invasive diagnostic procedures, including fine needle and trepan biopsy of masses of various localizations under the control of ultrasound and CT, trepan biopsy of the iliac bone, sternal puncture, thoracentesis and laparocentesis, puncture of the pleural cavity
  • Observation of patients with clinical group IV at home with correction of cardiac, respiratory, renal and hepatic insufficiency, water-electrolyte, acid-base and protein balance, anesthesia
  • Breastfeeding consultations, non-surgical treatment of lactastasis, mastitis
  • Individual psychoprophylactic preparation of patients for surgery and chemoradiotherapy
  • Rational individual management of patients in the post-operative period and after chemoradiotherapy in outpatient and home care


  • Full range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for diseases of the auditory and sound-conducting pathways
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, using endoscopic methods
  • Auripuncture, eardrum shunting
  • Minor ENT surgical interventions on the outpatient stage
  • Emergency diagnostics and treatment of patients with acute ENT diseases and injuries 


  • Diagnostic tests for hearing loss
  • Threshold tonal audiometry, extended frequency range audiometry
  • Impedancemetry: tympanometry, acoustic reflexometry
  • Objective in-depth audiological examination
  • Otoacoustic emissions
  • Short- latency auditory evoked potentials (ABR) registration
  • Auditory steady-state response (ASSR) registration
  • Consultation on electroacoustic rehabilitation: hearing aids, cochlear implantation

General Surgery

  • Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of acute surgical diseases at the outpatient stage, emergency hospitalization of patients in the inpatient department
  • Preparation of patients for planned surgery, rehabilitation in the postoperative period
  • Consultative assistance to patients with surgical and vascular pathology
  • Minimally invasive surgical interventions at the outpatient stage
  • Diagnostics, treatment of patients with acute and chronic surgical diseases
  • Patient preparation for surgical treatment and post-surgical rehabilitation with surgical diseases
  • Invasive procedures (puncture of soft tissue cavities, biopsy to obtain material)
  • Outpatient surgical procedures (removal of masses, dissection and drainage of purulent soft tissue diseases)

Vascular surgery

  • Consultation and diagnostics in the field of vascular surgery
  • Outpatient minimally invasive procedures (puncture and biopsy sampling) and operations in vascular and general surgery (elimination of benign neoplasms, opening and drainage of purulent processes, sclerotherapy)
  • Preparation of patients for surgical treatment and postoperative rehabilitation 


  • Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases: inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs, menstrual disorders, infertility, benign formations of the female reproductive organs
  • Minoinvasive surgical interventions at the outpatient stage
  • Examination, preparation of patients for surgical treatment and rehabilitation in the post-operative period with gynecological diseases
  • Examination, dynamic observation and treatment of patients with chronic gynecological diseases at the outpatient stage
  • Comprehensive examination, preparation of patients for surgical treatment and rehabilitation in the postoperative period with gynecological diseases
  • Consultations on issues of pregnancy miscarriage and preparation of patients within the framework of “Family Planning” program
  • Individual selection of contraception
  • Diagnosis and treatment of precancerous cervical diseases using conservative and minimally invasive surgical interventions

Urology and andrology

  • Diagnostics, treatment and dynamic monitoring of patients with diseases of the urinary system
  • Individual consultation and examination, treatment in male infertility
  • Diagnostics and treatment of acute diseases and traumas in urology
  • Wide range of diagnostic manipulations, including invasive ones (cystoscopy, biopsy sampling)
  • Observation and treatment of patients with precancerous diseases of the urinary system
  • Preparation and postoperative rehabilitation of patients with individual selection of complex and volume of rehabilitation measures
  • Outpatient surgery (removal of benign lesions, opening and drainage of purulent processes)


  • Full range of diagnostic procedures, individual selection in treatment of patients with acute and chronic proctologic diseases
  • Invasive diagnostic examinations (anoscopy, rectoscopy, biopsy with material sampling)
  • Minor invasive outpatient interventions (removal of anal polyps, thrombectomy of external single hemorrhoids, ligation and sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids)
  • Perianal cosmetology using ultrasound and radio-wave methods (excision of perianal masses and uncomplicated anal fissures, residual skin folds, papillomas, condylomas with subsequent anoplasty)
  • Preparation for surgical treatment and postoperative rehabilitation of proctologic patients
  • Opening, sanation and drainage of abscessed diseases of perianal area: subcutaneous, submucosal acute paraproctitis, opening of purulent epithelial- coccygeal cysts

Traumatology - Orthopedics, Combustiology

  • Full range of diagnostic tests and procedures in traumatology and orthopedics (puncture, joint blockade, intra-articular injection of medications, pleural puncture and joint puncture, PRP)
  • Preparation of patients and selection of an individual complex of postoperative rehabilitation, depending on the volume of intervention performed
  • Dynamic monitoring and treatment of patients with chronic diseases of the bone and joint system
  • Emergency treatment of acute diseases of the skeletal system and trauma (closed repositioning of bone fragments, primary surgical treatment of wounds)
  • Minimally invasive surgical interventions on an out-patient basis (removal of benign neoplasms, opening and drainage of uncomplicated subcutaneous processes)

Doctors of the Department

Almagul Zhaskenovna Smagulova              Смагулова АЖ.jpg
Chief of the Department   
The Highest Category
Work experience: 14 years   

Нуралиева АЛ.jpgAssel Nuraliyeva        

The Highest Category
Work experience: 14 years 

Сапарова ЖШ.jpgZhanna Saparova    
The Highest Category
Work experience: 15 years                

Назарова АЖ.jpgAigul Nazarova
The Highest Category
Work experience: 24 years

Ахметов КР.jpgKenzhebek Akhmetov          
The Highest Category
Work experience: 24 years                

Шарипова КК.jpgKuralay Sharipova      
Urology and andrology
Work experience: 23 years   

Райымов СЮ.jpgSabyrzhan Raiymov 
The Second Category
Work experience: 11 years 

Жанзаков ОА.jpgUrazgali Zhanzakov    
The Highest Category
Work experience: 34 years 

Сальмаганбетова ЖЖ.jpgZhanar Salmaganbetova      
The First Category
Work experience: 11 years 

Алдышева БА.jpgBalziya Aldasheva    
The Highest Category
Work experience: 15 years   

Шайкенов АШ.jpgAskar Shaikenov    

The Highest Category

Work experience: 31 years

Ибраев НН_.jpgNurlan Ibrayev
Work experience: 6 years


Кенжалиева АБ_.jpgAltyn Kenzhaliyeva         
The Highest Category
Work experience: 23 years 

Бисенбина ЖН_.jpgZhansaule Bissenbina
ENT doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 28 years

Омаров Ерлан Дулатович.jpgYerlan Omarov
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years

Жунисова Перизат Мухитдиновна 1300.jpegPerizat Zhunissova
The First Category 
Work experience: 22 years

Шаймаганбетова Айгуль Советкалиевна 1300.jpegAigul Shaimaganbetova
The Highest Category
Work experience: 26 years

Ихсанова Куралай Есенжановна 1300.jpegKuralai Ikhsanova
ENT doctor
Work experience: 13 years