Name of the service Unit Price KZT
1296 Uterine neck biopsy 1 service 11 900
1297 Uterine neck biopsy with diathermocoagulation 1 service 20 400
1298 Uterine neck biopsy with conchotome 1 service 9 000
1299 Viganal bath (with medicine) 1 service 4 200
1300 IUD insertion 1 service 10 200
1301 Smear sampling (bacteriology, oncocytology) 1 service 1 800
1302 Smear sampling for PCR test 1 service 2 000
1303 Bartholin's gland abscess lancing 1 service 34 000
1304 Bartholin's gland cyst removal 1 service 51 000
1305 Hydrotubation 1 service 8 500
1306 Hysteroscopy 1 service 25 500
1307 Diagnostic curretage 1 service 25 500
1308 Uterine neck electrocoagulation 1 service 25 500
1309 Colposcopy 1 service 8 500
1310 Contrast for hysterosalpingography 1 service 23 800
1311 Neck erosion laser treatment 1 service 27 500
1312 Medicinall abortion 1 service 51 000
1313 Medicinal abortion without drugs cost 1 service 76 500
1314 Vacuum aspiration abortion 1 service 33 400
1315 Gynecology pessary installation 1 service 20 400
1316 Vacuum aspiration surgeries 1 service 11 000
1317 Open biopsy of externalia and/or perineum formations 1 service 28 900
1318 Medicine paracervical introduction 1 service 6 800
1319 LAT (Local antimicrobial therapy) without medicaments both sides (1 session) 1 service 8 500
1320 Vaginal tampon (without medicine) 1 service 5 100
1321 Vaginal tampons (with medicine) 1 service 8 500
1322 IUD removal 1 service 11 900
1323 IUD removal with hook 1 service 17 000
1324 Removal of benign formations of pudendum 1 service 13 600
1325 Removal of skin formations (1 formation) 1 service 29 700
1326 Removal of subcutaneous tissue formations (atheroma, lipoma etc.) up to 5 sm (1 formation) 1 service 24 100
1327 Removal of vagina formations (cyst, polyp, condiloma etc.) (1 formation) 1 service 33 100
1328 Cervical canal polyp removal 1 service 17 000
1329 Gynecology pessary installation (without pessary cost) 1 service 8 500
1330 Neck erosion chemical treatment without medicine 1 service 7 600
1331 Excision cervix uteri 1 service 19 000
1332 Videocolposcopy with image storage in a database 1 service 25 500