

Name of the service Unit Price KZT
1192 I/v infusion (without medicine) 1 procedure 5 900
1193 I/v infusion (with medicine) 1 procedure 14 400
1194 I/c injection (without medicine) 1 procedure 1 600
1195 Conduction of preanesthetic medication with medicinal drug i/m (with medication) 1 injection 3 400
1196 Conduction of preanesthetic medication with medicinal drug i/v (with medication) 1 injection 5 100
1197 I/m injection (without medicine) 1 injection 3 400
1198 I/v injection (without medicine) 1 injection 1 800
1199 Subcutaneous injection (with medicament) 1 injection 2 000
1200 External respiration function on a portable spirometer 1 procedure 14 400
1201 Immunotherapy with domestic allergen (1 injection) 1 injection 6 800
1202 Immunotherapy with domestic allergen (1 course) 1 course 238 000
1203 Immunotherapy with pollen allergen (1 injection) 1 injection 6 800
1204 Immunotherapy with pollen allergen (1 course) 1 course 272 000
1205 Contact test 1 procedure 5 100
1206 Autoimmune type of chronic relapsed hives, intradermal test with autoserum 1 procedure 13 600
1207 I/cutaneous test 1 procedure 8 500
1208 Skin scarification domestic test 1 procedure 12 700
1209 Skin scarification alimentary test 1 procedure 30 600
1210 Skin scarification pollen test 1 procedure 30 600
1211 Skin scarification epidermal test 1 procedure 12 700
1212 Sublingual method ASIT pollen allergen (beginning course) 1 course 255 000
1213 Sublingual method ASIT pollen allergen (maintain course) 1 course 255 000
1214 Cold test. Ice 1 procedure 5 100
1215 Allergodiagnostic " allergoscreen" 3790 - combined panel 1 procedure 74 300
1216 Allergodiagnostic " allergoscreen" 3712 - paediatric panel 1 procedure 38 600
1217 Allergodiagnostic " allergoscreen" 3433 - food panel 1 procedure 61 600
1218 Allergodiagnostic " allergoscreen" 3126 - inhalational panel 1 procedure 52 700
1219 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Wormwood Mix (bitter wormwood, annual wormwood, tarragon wormwood, common wormwood" 1 procedure 64 200
1220 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Weed Mix 1 (Tartar's quail, annual sunflower, ragweed, bitter wormwood 1 procedure 64 200
1221 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Weed Mix 2 (wormwood, bitter wormwood, ragweed wormwood, cyclachena, cocklebur-leaved") 1 procedure 64 200
1222 Antipollin "Weed Mixtus 3 (wormwood, ragweed, dandelion) 1 procedure 64 200
1223 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Weed Mix 4 (wormwood, ragweed wormwood) 1 procedure 64 200
1224 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Weed Mix 5 (Tartar's swan, annual sunflower, cocklebur-leaved, bitter wormwood) 1 procedure 64 200
1225 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Mix of meadow grasses (grass hedgehog, meadow timothy, meadow fescue, pasture ryegrass, meadow bluegrass) 1 procedure 64 200
1226 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Tree Mix" 1 (Hanging birch, gummy alder, hazel, hornbeam) 1 procedure 64 200
1227 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Tree Mix" 2 (Hanging birch, black poplar, English oak, small-leaved elm, ash maple) 1 procedure 64 200
1228 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin Mite Mix (Dermatophagoides Farinae, Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus) 1 procedure 64 200
1229 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Cock's-foot grass assembly 1 procedure 64 200
1230 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Meadow catmint" 1 procedure 64 200
1231 Allergenspecific immunotherapy Antipollin "Meadow Fescue" 1 procedure 64 200
1232 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Ragwort" 1 procedure 64 200
1233 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Frosted orach" 1 procedure 64 200
1234 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Perennial ryegrass" 1 procedure 64 200
1235 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Drooping birch" 1 procedure 64 200
1236 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Poplar Black" 1 procedure 64 200
1237 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Milk-witch gowan" 1 procedure 64 200
1238 Allergenspecific immunotherapy - Antipollin "Rag sump weeda" 1 procedure 64 200
1239 Allergenspecific immunotherapy with modified allergoids for subcutaneous injection "ROXALL", 1 course 1 procedure 348 500
1240 Allergenspecific immunotherapy with modified allergoids for subcutaneous injection "ROXALL", 1 injection 1 procedure 50 100